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Synthesis and characterization of L-arginine sodium sulphate (LANS) nanocrystals with non-linear optical response

M. M. Khandpekar and Smita S. Patil

L- Arginine Sodium Sulphate (LANS) nanocrystals have been obtained from gel like solutions by slow evaporation technique for first time.TEM indicates the formation of nanocrystals with average particle size lying between 20-50 nm. Powder XRD studies show orthorhombic structure with lattice parameters a=5.130 A.U, b=11.680 A.U and c=8.117 A.U. The particle size of LANS nanocrystals using XRD data (Debye- Scherer relation) is found to be 56 nm and is in fair agreement with the TEM results. The chemical composition remains verified by using CHNS and EDAX Analysis. Comparative FTIR and FT-Raman spectrum confirm the presence of fundamental groups and indicates non-centro symmetric molecule. LANS nanocrystals are found to be thermally more stable than reported crystals like LADP, LAAC, LAF, LADN. UV – Vis studies indicate presence of wide transparancy window useful in optoelectonic applications and peaks below the cut off region points towards the formation of nanocrystals. Low SHG efficiency has been indicated by NLO studies. Low ac conductivity and low dielectric loss useful in photonic and NLO based devices have been noted

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